Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunshine Award 2011

Rebecca from The Teacher's Chatterbox awarded me the Sunshine Award! Thanks so much Rebecca! Be sure to check out her awesome blog!

Here are the rules for accepting this award...

1.  Thank the person who gave this award to you, and write a post about it.
2.  Answer the following questions.
3.  Pass the award on to 10-12 fabulous bloggers, link to their blog, and let them know you have awarded them!

  1. Favorite color? -BLUE, BLUE, BLUE!
  2. Favorite animal? -Siberian Tiger (LOL)
  3. Favorite number? - 3
  4. Favorite drink? - water with lots of lemon!
  5. Facebook or Twitter? - Facebook, but I'm still not too good with either one!
  6. Your passion? - My family, teaching, and making stuff!
  7. Giving or getting presents? - I enjoy getting presents, but I really enjoy listening and getting people exactly what they want.
  8. Favorite day? - Christmas
So, I am going to pass this award to the following 'Rockin' teacher blogs. Be sure to check them out! They truly ROCK!



  1. Thank you SO much for thinking of "little 'ol me" - you really are awesome!!!!! (I watched your video for Blog Traffic day I'll try it out - just never know how to balance it all!!!!)

    Here's a link to my Sunshine Award post from the other day...

    Thanks again for your sweetness! :)

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. I love that you love tigers! white tigers are my favorite!!!!
