Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Math Mysteries for January!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday and have something exciting planned for New Year's Eve! I survived a house full of family and friends...we had such a blast...but boy, I'm pooped! Working on my math mysteries was quite relaxing! I may even work on another one this week. I am going to have to go to school though...I went over today to drop off some stuff and WOW! I left it a mess! (See ya kids...I'm outta here!  bwahahahaha!)

Here of some examples of the newest math mysteries!
2nd Grade

3rd Grade

Take care and try to relax and enjoy the rest of your time off! I'm really lovin' this chillin' business!


  1. These are so cute! Makes me wish I was teaching the lower grades again!

    Also, I have a New Year Resolution linky party & a survey on my blog that I would really love your feedback on. Please stop by and give me your opinion.
    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. Hillary,
    We did both of the Christmas Math Mysteries and my kids loved them! I loved them because I really saw the wheels turning in their little brains!
    What a great way to practice word problems!
    Please make sets for the entire school year!
    Marla Holbrook
