Sunday, December 4, 2011

Winter Holidays Teaching Tips and Freebies

Have you downloaded your Winter Holidays Teaching Tips and Freebies book yet? 

Why not? You should see this book! 50 authors from Teachers Pay Teachers contributed to this book that was compiled by Rachel Lynette.

There is stuff for everyone in this book! 

Holiday Spin and Graph
Gingerbread Bump
Grinchmas Freebies

And the list goes on and on! Check out a few of the pages in this awesome Freebie!

Well....Whatcha waiting for? Click any of the pics to get your very own Holiday Freebie Book!



  1. Thank you so much for this!!! **Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays** for sure! I've downloaded it, now to take the time to look through all the wonderful ideas!!!

  2. I know! I still haven't gotten through the book! Merry Christmas to you too!

  3. Merry Christmas! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful book with all of us. I will be able to use it for all 3 of the grade levels I teach!
