Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring Math Mystery & Giveaway Reminder!

Well, my Spring Break is almost over, and I FINALLY got one of my math mysteries done! How does the time fly by so fast? I'm excited to see my munchkins, but I sure am going to miss my leisure time!

I have only finished my third grade version of the Spring Math Mystery, but my plan is to work on the 2nd grade version this afternoon . . . (I wonder when I am going to grade my papers and make my lesson plans!) If you are wondering . . . Why does this crazy 2nd grade teachers always make the 3rd grade book first??? Well, I teach 3rd grade math so I want the book I need, first!! 

Have you signed up for my newsletter yet? You know, you can win a $25 shopping spree from my TpT store . . . Click {here} to go to my post that will enter you into the giveaway. When you get to the post, there are words that say {read more} that you need to click. That will take you to the rafflecopter form that will allow you to be entered into the giveaway. You could get this math mystery for FREE, just for signing up for the newsletter.

 I don't know if you know this. . . When you sign up, you automatically receive a newsletter with your first freebie! You get this awesome resource . . . a dictionary for kids! It is packed with all sorts of great stuff!  

Oh, and don't forget . . . You will receive an exclusive FREEBIE with each newsletter you get! Can't beat that!

Well, I need to get back to work so I can finish that 2nd grade book! Check back for the 2nd grade math mystery! 

I hope you all have a Happy and Blessed Easter!



  1. Yay! I'm waiting for the 2nd grade one!

    1. Did you see that you won AGAIN! Will you buy me a lottery ticket?

