Thursday, July 19, 2012

Don't Use All Your Colored Ink for Math Mysteries!

Good morning to you all! I'm sitting on the back porch enjoying a cool breeze after about a half hour of pouring down rain. That hasn't happened in such a long time in central Indiana. I know lots of you are in the same boat . . . if you can say boat during a drought!  

Anyway, I asked my buddy {Monica} if she would try something out for me. She tutors a couple of kids and I asked her to try using my math mysteries on her computer to see how it worked. She sent me this awesome video to show the excitement and how well it worked.

Isn't that awesome?! I always worry about all the ink someone would need to use when making my math mysteries, and this completely fixes that problem!

I loaded one of my mysteries to my iPad as well. It turned out pretty swell too . . . if I may say so myself.

Click to see the {math mysteries} that I have currently written.

Hope this works for you! If you try it out and come across any problems or any other neat ideas, just let me know!



  1. How do you load it on your Ipad??

  2. Hi Linda,
    After you get the mystery, download the file, and then click where it says 'open in iBooks' will open as a pdf and you can just run it from there. Hope this helps! Thanks for reading!
    Hilary :)

  3. Hillary, I can't wait to try this! Thanks for all of your hard work and creativity.
