Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Math Mysteries are Here!

Well, things have settled down a bit and I finally got a couple of math mysteries finished! They are review math mysteries for the beginning of the year . . . or they could be used at the end of the year as well! 

If you haven't checked out my math mysteries before, you will be happy to know that they are correlated with the Common Core State Standards. I sit with the standards in front of me when I write the books, so you can assure your principal that your students are working toward their common core standards goals.

I am also excited about being nominated and chosen for a cool list. You should check out this list entitled Teaching Teachers: 100 Best Web Resources for Educators. 

You will find some other AMAZING blogs and resources to help you in your classroom. I'm excited to see so many of my friends on this list as well! 

My blogging buddy, {Monica Schroeder}, is on that list with me too! We have a new button so you can visit our blogs easily! Head on over and tell {Monica} that I said 'hey'!



  1. BB,

    So fun that we are both on that list! I can't wait to grab your new Math Mysteries for my kiddos next year. You do good work girl...did I read 26 years in the classroom? No wonder you rock it:)

    The Schroeder Page

  2. these would be great for my beg. of year....and my end of year! :)

  3. I love this site, Class Dojo. I have everything altogether and waiting to start tomorrow morning. They will be shocked. SURPRISE!! LOL Thank you so much for sharing.
