Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Writing Binders Part Deux and a FREEBIE Too!

Well, I got my writing binders together and the kids absolutely LOVE them! They feel like such big kids.

However, we didn't just start writing. There were several steps that led up to these awesome stories.

Have you ever heard of the book {Talking, Drawing, Writing} I love this book. The basic premise is that:

  • You tell the kids a story that really happened from your past. My story is about when I was about their age and had this really cool bike. It was glittery goldish green and had a big back tire and a small front tire. We used to go ride our bikes at the 'dirt hill' that was down the street from my house. (I've been back to the dirt hill and I think it might be more of a dirt bump!) The dirt hill also had a blackberry bush at the back of it. We used to eat them all the time. Lucky they weren't poisonous!
  • After you tell the kids your story, you draw a picture of it and add lots of details. I have the kids chime in and remind me of some of the details that I told them in my story. 
  • The next step is to let each student tell about something that has happened in their life. I have them sit on my special stool to tell the class. We also have microphones now, so they get to use those.
  • Each child then gets a piece of nice white paper to illustrate the time they told us about. 
  • When the kids are finished with their pictures, they then start the writing process. Here are a few more pics of the kids working on their stories. Be sure to check out the pictures that they drew too. Amazing! They did such a fantastic job!

The kids are writing their rough drafts with purple pens (we forgot to put blue pens on the supply order . . . they work!) I had the kids put an X on every other line to help them remember to skip a line. Skipping a line is imperative for the revision and editing part of the writing process. The coolest thing about these stories is that they are very detailed because the kids were there and really experienced what they are writing about! 

Here are my binders with my fun labels in my room. If you would like to have some fun binder spine labels for your writing binders, just click the {pic}!

I hope you are having a great school year!



  1. Hi, I like your labels and the writing notebooks are a good idea as well. Did you use Microsoft Word or some other program to design them?

    1. Hi Mike,
      I mostly use Microsoft Publisher and sometimes PowerPoint. I don't like Word because it seems impossible to move pictures around. Hope this helps!
      Thanks for stopping by!

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