Wednesday, September 19, 2012

6 Weeks In - Independent 2nd Grade Book Clubs Running!

I love to watch and listen to my students run their own book clubs. I decided to get them started early this year. I have kids that I thought could handle them independently, and I was right! Check out the video. Every time I listen to them, I get cold chills! Amazing what the little munchkins can do when you give them a chance. 

Here is the {packet} that the kids use to walk them through the process. Well, what do you think? Do you think your kiddos would do well with this? I bet they would . . . You just need to give them the chance!



  1. Hi Hilary! Thanks so much for sharing this idea! I've been wanting to start literature circles in my classroom and had no idea where to start. I just purchased your product and can't wait to try it out :)

    Thanks again!

    Tales From Room 112

    1. Good luck Erin! You are going to love book clubs! It's amazing what these little guys can do! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hey Hilary!
    I am totally excited about your Book Clubs idea! I just purchased your product on Teachers Pay Teachers. I have a question though, I found your blog by accident today and the search engine brought up a post from last year where you presented 10 books, out of curiousity what books did you offer??

    1. Hi there Nicole,
      I'm not really sure what books I showed the kids. I know that one was The Littles. I think I showed them a couple of Magic Tree House books, Horrible Harry, stuff like that. Hope that helps you out some. I just basically went through the books that were in our extra books closet! LOL I'm so glad you found my site! Be sure to sign up for the newsletter so you can get free goodies each month!

      Hilary :)

  4. Hey Hilary, I just found this post because I'd like to start independent book clubs with my 2nd graders this year. It would be awesome if you described how you got your book clubs up & running! Is there a resource that helped you? (I'm totally new to this!)
