Monday, October 1, 2012

The Sharing Board

My kids love to go to the Word Work station, and I love to think of ideas for them to do. However, I need a way to hold the little guys accountable for their work. I think I finally found a way that doesn't use paper. (If you know me very well, you know that I don't like paper flying around everywhere!)

This is what I came up with . . . a sharing board! As the kids work through the different activities, they write down some of the words that they have made. Then, at the end of the station rotation, they get the microphone out and share the words they have collected during their word work time. I walk over to the table to check out some of the words that they made when they are done!

After the sharing is done, no papers! The kids just clean off their boards and they're ready for the next group.

Have a Rockin' day tomorrow!


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