Saturday, December 3, 2011

Math Mystery-The Case of the Missing Reindeer

I am so excited about my newest venture! I wrote a math mystery where the kids get to solve word problems to work their way through the mystery. If they make a mistake, the page that they go to is a 'stopper' and it will send them back to where they were to 'try again!'

In this mystery, Eddie the Elf, Santa, and other fun characters, work with the students to find Rudy the Reindeer. 

I am a 2nd grade teacher, but I teach 3rd grade math. So I made this book at about a 3rd grade level. It includes 11 different word problems for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The multiplication and division are just small fact problems though. I also included a problem with elapsed time and one with money! 

I'm in the process of making the same book for 2nd graders...I think my team would like that, don't you?  

I got this idea from Engaging Lessons. She has made 2 of this type of story that I know of. My class absolutely LOVES doing these. Since I don't think she has made anymore...I decided to make some too! 

Here is a sample of the story. You can see how the student will solve the problem to go to the next page.

Here are examples of the 'stopper' pages.
Here are a couple more examples of the story. I read it to my son...he loved it!
Oh, did I tell you that he is 23?  :)  So...he still loved it!

When I make this into  a book, I print the pages on white tag. I then put the pages into heavy duty page protectors. Then, I put those into a 3 ring binder. The kids are able to use dry erase markers to work the problems. If you have read any of my other posts, I'm sure you know how I don't like to waste paper! I thought I had one of the binders at home to take a picture for you...guess I don't though. I guess that will be a post for another day!

If you are interested in checking out my book, just click the pics! Any of them will take you to it!

Thanks everyone! December 16...Only 10 more teaching days until my break! I can't believe it's that time of year already! When does your break start? Next year, mine starts on December 23...YUCK!




  1. I would LOVE a 2nd grade version!

  2. This is so cool, Hilary! I can't wait for you to make one for second grade. Do you think it will be in time for use this year?? You are amazingly creative.
    2B Honey Bunch

  3. I just ran into your blog today. I need to follow you so I can develop some of the talents I see here! This is a GREAT idea! I am so excited to share it with others from my school. I especially like your suggestion of putting it in sheet protectors so that the book can be reused by other students! Thanks for sharing!

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