Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tons of Giveaways Goin' On!

Erika from The Honey Bunch has a hysterical bumper sticker that she is giving away for 100 followers...
and a surprise gift as well!


Courtney at Swimming into Second is having a 400 follower giveaway! 
You can win a $25 gift certificate to Teachers Pay Teachers! I want that!

Swimming into Second

Heather at Swinging Through 2nd Grade is having a 50 follower giveaway...
You can win a $10 gift card to Target. Everyone love the Dollar Spot at Target!

Swinging Through Second Grade

Kelly (aka Queen Bee) at Busy in K, is also having a giveaway...
Get an AWESOME pencil sharpener...don't tell me yours works need a new one!

Ginger from Ginger Snaps has an awesome new toy and a giveaway too!

Ginger Snaps

What are you waiting for? Go enter some giveaways! Man...I love having time to blog and stuff!



  1. Hi Hilary,

    I am also having a giveaway! I'd love for you to enter!

  2. I am having a giveaway too! You can win my new graphic backgrounds and frame sets! Also, I already entered the Honey Bunch giveaway! I love that sticker!

  3. Thanks Kelly and Ginger! I added you to my post about giveaways! Looks good!

    Rockin' Teacher Materials

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm sorry Hillary. I stumbled upon this post accidentally and thought it was about recent giveaways then realized quickly it wasn't so I deleted my comment. Ahhhh, the joys of being a blogger newbie!

    Jamie at 2nd Grade Stuff
