Sunday, January 22, 2012

I Love Pinterest!

I know you have seen Pinterest...and I have so much fun checking out all of the creativity that I see on there! One of my favorite Pinterest items is the Boggle game bulletin board idea. I just had to have one for my own room, so this is the one that I made.

Now, everyone knows I didn't come up with this idea...who knows where the first Boggle idea came from. Here is the one that inspired me to make one for my own classroom. (Click here to check out this awesome blog...and she has an amazing printable worksheet to go with Boggle! It great and it is free!)

And, the more I dug around...I saw that there were more versions of the Boggle game! (Click the pics to check them out.) It's wild!

Since I just had to have the Boggle board in my room, I thought I would share the letters and stuff that I used to make my bulletin board, with you! I even made some of the letters in red/pink & light blue/pink...don't ask me why those colors...I was just messing with colors and ended up with black and gold! (No Rachel...not for Purdue!)

Thanks for reading and enjoy your weekend!


  1. I love your BOGGLE game! I finally made one too. I will post my picture soon.

  2. Your Boggle game is adorable! I've been meaning to make I'm inspired. Thanks for sharing this post!
    Funky First Grade Fun

  3. Love it. Maybe yours will finally make me get into gear and make one. It's been on my TO DO list since summer.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  4. You have an adorable Boggle board! I've seen these all over Pinerest as well and love the idea!

    Primary Junction

  5. Can't wait to see the ones you gals make! Be sure to let us see!
    Rockin' Teacher Materials

  6. Hilary! This is soooo cute! Thanks for sharing!


  7. Your board is adorable! I just made one a few weeks ago out of an oil drip pan....I blogged about it:) Love Pinterest:)) I'm a new follower!

    4th Grade Frolics

  8. I CAN'T WAIT to print this out and put it up in my room! Thanks so much for sharing all of your hard work with us! Can you tell me the name of that cute font that you used to make these? I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

  9. VERY cute! I am really looking forward to putting this up in my classroom for word work. YOU ROCK! Thank you for sharing! I really like exclamation points! :)

  10. Hmmm, I'm going to have to check your board out Tara . . . and don't worry Krystal . . . I love dot dot dot!

  11. I love Pinterest as well. So many great ideas! Thanks for linking up to Thinky Linky Thursday!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

  12. THANK YOU for sharing!!! I am a first year teacher beginning in the fall and love the concept of classroom Boggle for word work. I just found your version and LOVE it. and then it got better when I saw that you shared the letters! Thanks so much!!

  13. I just made your Boggle board and it turned out so cute! Thanks for sharing. I had a question though. How many sets of letters should I print out? It seems like I need more than one set. Also, is there a minimum number of vowels that I need to put on the board? Should I separate the vowels from the consonants so I know I'll have vowels as well as consonants? Thanks again!!

  14. I've downloaded this fantastic resource and can't wait to print, cut, and laminate yet another great idea! I wonder if you could tell me how you attach your letters to your board? Are you changing the letters weekly?

    Thank you!

  15. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing these letters! It is so rare to find someone who will share for free! You have helped me add spunk to my classroom! Thank you again!


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