A few years ago, I begged my principal to let me get rid of my desks and use tables in my classroom. She finally said yes! That being said, I needed some way for the kids to store their items. Enter the Seat Sack! This seat sack has help get my kids organized. . .a place for everything and everything in its place! Instead of just getting the Seat Sacks, I decided on the organizer set. I've got lots of ideas for all my new organization items. I LOVE using my book bags for my buddy reading during stations. I was using another kind of bags for read to someone in the past, but the kids kept putting things away in the wrong place. These bags have a card in a pocket so the kids can match the bag with the page inside.
And, there's more! I have pencil cases and Hand-e-Sacks to help me with more organization in my room. Here's what I'm thinking. My kids have their own writing journals. They use different colors of pens and highlighters for different stages of the editing and revising process. These pouches will be perfect to keep these items together. The Hand-e-Sacks are going to be great in so many ways. I will be organizing word work activities, my reading group materials, my pens, markers, almost anything. No more baskets or cups falling on the floor!
Ooooh, I love little bags and organizer things! Thanks for sharing.