Thursday, November 22, 2012

3 F's . . . or are There More Than 3?

 Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you had a glorious day. We did. I saw a guy on TV who said that Thanksgiving is about the 3 F's . . . Family, Food, and Football. Well, I think he forgot a couple of the F's! What about Friends?! What about Followers who are Friends?! That's what you are to me. I may not know you personally, but you are most definitely Fabulous Friends! Okay, enough Foolishness. (hehehehe) 

I want to share a couple of the inference pages that I got from my kids last week. I just can't believe how well they are doing with this difficult skill. The kids are even filling sticky note after sticky note with inferences from books they are reading at Read to Self, Read to Someone, and the Listening Station. 

Click one of these excellent examples if you would like to see what
your kids can infer!
Are you going out shopping on Black Friday? Not me . . . Well, I do have to pick up one little item for tomorrow. My brother is home for Thanksgiving, so we are celebrating Christmas with a white elephant exchange tomorrow. I really don't want to go to the store tomorrow, but I've been slackin'. I guess it's the turkey!

Wait a minute. There was a reason why I asked if you were going shopping! I wanted to ask if you knew about the big sales that will be going on this weekend!! If you are like me and love to find deals and really don't want to go out and hunt for them, these sales are for you! I will have all of my resources on sale, and TN and TpT are taking off an extra 10%! What?!

November 24, 25, 26
November 26, 27

Thanks again for being one of my Favorite F's. 



  1. Hi, Hilary! I just wanted to let you know I nominated your blog for a Liebster Award! Visit my blog for information.

  2. I love your inferencing pages! I am an avid follower, I love your blog. Plus, I used to teach in Indianapolis and my name is Hilary as well! Stop by my blog if you have a moment and let me know what you think!
    Second Grade is Out of This World

  3. Hi Hilary,
    You're not showing up in my Tribber stream. ..... so I sent you a new invitation.
    PS Have a great weekend! :)

  4. Thanks Marcia! I think I got it accepted this time!

  5. This was discovered on Pinterest. Thank you very much. Online Class Help


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