Saturday, February 2, 2013

Don't Be a Turkey Hit the SUPER BOWL Sales and Sanitize!

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl . . . can you believe it! Even though you may be watching the game with friends and family, you know you can sneak away for a little shopping at Teachers Pay Teachers and Teachers Notebook! 

TpT is adding 10% off on everyone's sale prices too! That's 28% off! All you have to do is enter the promotion code SUPER at checkout to receive the added savings! This code will only be good for Sunday, February 3 so. . .
Empty those wishlists . . . 
You know they are getting a little full!

Be sure to stop by our shops! Just click our pics!

Okay, that's enough of that. I know that I have been MIA lately thanks to my silly pinched nerve, so I thought I should share something fun with you! I walked into a friend's classroom the other day and she had this in her room.

I guess the kids take one of these and put it on their desk when they go to the restroom. When they come back, the take a squirt of hand sanitizer from the bottle, then put the bottle back for the next kiddo. She said she had seen it somewhere on Pinterest, but I had never seen it. Cool, huh? I'm going to have to make some of these for my room. I'll show them to you when I get them made.

I hope to get a little better at my blogging this week. Keep your fingers crossed that my pinched nerve doesn't kick back in! 

Happy Shopping!



  1. Your blog is too cute!! I love it! I'm your newest follower. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I featured your math mystery in my blog today! :)
    ideas by jivey


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