Sunday, January 9, 2022

All About Martin Luther King, Jr. with a NEW Resource!

It's 2022 and I'm already swamped! I can't believe MLK Day is already upon us. This week I am putting all the MLK resources in this post. I am also trying as I said in my last post to keep things SIMPLE. The take-away for me this year is to implement a few ideas, but also try some NEW ones!

How do you celebrate and give information about Martin Luther King in your classroom? I think this depends on what age kids you teach. The most important thing is the message about Martin Luther King and acceptance of everyone. 

For older kids I want to have them read a little more information about Martin Luther King, Jr. For me it is about half me presenting information, but also having students dig a little more into some of their own research and reading. Remember each year students are presented with information on this SAME topic, so trying to give them a little more each year as they get older. 

Check out this NEW Martin Luther King, Jr. Mini Escape I just made that may help you present the information in a fun and informative way. There is a video, reading, fun facts, quotes, and a short puzzle. Best of all this is a NO Prep that students can do at home or school. 

Also a digital resource for you if you have more time is the Digital Escape Room Lost in the Museum Civil Rights Leaders. It will take you through more than Martin Luther King so if you have the time to dive in more with Black History. 

Something easy and more printable is this Martin Luther King, Jr. Biography Puzzle. These are going to be for upper elementary because of the reading and writing for your students. These are also super SIMPLE and NO PREP for your students. 

Here is a list of books I like about MLK. Some are picture, some are just good information reads or resources. 

Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.?- This is an awesome book/series for research or just reading. It presents the information in a great way! For grades 2-5

I know you don't want to leave out your littles on this important day so I am linking a few FREE Resources for you with Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Have a great day celebrating and remembering the MESSAGE of this day! 


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