Friday, March 18, 2022

Women in History Month Biographies

Did you know March is Women in History Month?! We have been working on Biographies A LOT, because it is such a great and easy way for kids to have CHOICE in their writing/research. See my last few posts about Biographies! If you are not on the Biography train, don't worry. You can still celebrate some AMAZING Women and their contributions to history. 

I have these amazing Women in History Bubbleheads. Over 50 women to choose from to write research and use character traits. A character trait dictionary is included. You can use this to supplement research, as a culminating project,  or a partner quick research. Those are just some ideas on how to use this. I left some resources below on websites, books, and dates. 

Women in History Biographies

The bundle below includes a lapbook for women in biography research that you can use to help assist you in looking for all the facts for your project. I love the lapbook because it aids students in the process and they know which steps they need to complete. 

Women in History Biographies

I love this book series for biographies. It is the Who Was... I call it the Bobblehead series because they look like bobbleheads on the front of the books. These books are awesome for a print source for research. They won't have every biography, but there are alot out in print. 

Women in History Biographies

Some great websites to try!

Some Important Dates for this month:

  • The National Woman's Party was formed in March 1917. The group was dedicated to getting women the right to vote.
  • March 1st: Title IX was passed in 1972 
  • March 3rd: The first major march on Washington by suffragists happened on this date in 1913.
  • March 8th: International Women's Day Itwas established as a holiday in 1911.
  • March 22nd: The Equal Rights Amendment was passed in 1972. 

Have a great month celebrating women and all their accomplishments both past and present!

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