Sunday, September 15, 2013

Word Work . . . Check!

I knew I was going to love the {paint stick and notebook word work activities}, but I just didn't know how much! My kids absolutely LOVE using them and they are so engaged as well! They have been working their little hearts out!

I have 4 to 5 students at each station when I do the Daily 5. At the word work station, each child has a chance to use various items. After they complete an activity, the kids write 'their words' on their own word collection boards. I think I've told you about the {sharing boards} before. . . That way, others can use the materials too. 

The kids in my pictures are using the {digraphs} and {short vowel} sets, but I have sets for {beginning sounds}, {beginning blends}, and {counting to 30}, if you would like to check them out.

Another item I've added to my word work, is {word configuration boxes} to go with our {spelling words} for the week. I just slide the page into a page protector, clip it to a clipboard and we are ready to roll. The kids are really enjoying these too. I keep enough copies so each child has one . . . that way, I know they are practicing their words too!
I have the answer page on the back side of the page protector so they can check their work as well!

Hope your school year is up and running and that you have a wonderful bunch of munchkins! I sure do!



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